John 2 & Jeremiah 31:12-14

This week, we are reading that Jesus is the Living Water. This made me think about what water is in our lives. The list could be extensive, but we need water for our physical bodies, for cleaning, and for the plants in nature and our crops. Water brings life and cleansing. 

The wedding in Cana was the first sign of Jesus. These wedding events were not a long evening as we know it now. They lasted seven days and included food, music, dancing, and wine. Let that sit for a bit as you remember weddings you have planned or attended. The wedding in Cana had been going on long enough that the wine has run out. The people probably needed water for their bodies more than wine, but Jesus provides them with wine. Did you catch the comment, “Everyone serves the best wine first…but you have saved the best for last.” 

Then, we move to the Passover event in the temple. Jesus was with His family and HIs disciples. It was likely having come from the wedding in Cana they needed to purchase their animals for the Passover sacrifice. Jesus saw the corruption happening to the people as they exchanged their money and purchased the sacrificial animals. Jesus witnessed how obedience to honor their Holy God and Holy practices had turned into cheating the people for profit – disgracing God and the Feast set by Him. Jesus then cleansed the temple of the filth. 

In Jeremiah, we find reassurance for the Jews in their disobedience. They had been scattered and exiled, but it wasn’t the end. There is hope with God!! There will come a time, when He gathers them together with Him. The crops will be restored, yielding wine, oil, and food. There will be a celebration to include food, music, dancing, and wine.

Today, we come to Jesus with a hope of life, cleansing, and restoration. He invites us to do this. It’s what He offers. 

What do we receive from Him? Not just a refreshing drink of water, a restorative bath, or provision for our needs, but abundance, the best of what He has to offer. We can have the abundance and celebration with Him, in Him, and by Him. 

Come to Jesus and drink His living water. How? By continuing to do what you have already done today. You have praised Him with music and song. You have read His Word. Now, talk to Him in prayer. You have just drunk of His Living Water.