John 11:55-12:36 & Isaiah 61:1-3

Have you ever taken the time to look back on an event or season in your life? I appreciate reliving moments in my life, moments of joy, and even moments of struggle. In looking back, I can celebrate those beautiful times again and even celebrate when looking at the struggle because, in those moments of struggle, I can see how Jesus brought me through the event and met me there. Sometimes, I can even find the answers to my questions during the struggle, not realizing Jesus had not only listened to my many questions but also brought understanding as I journeyed with Him to the end. 

I hope you have caught on to the fact that this Daily Focus has us looking backward in John. When John had partnered with Holy Spirit, who now resides within each believer, to write this letter, Jesus had already ascended to heaven. As John remembers these events, he is looking back with new eyes and a mind enlightened by Holy Spirit, who helps him understand those events that brought so many questions while he lived through them. 

Can you imagine how puzzled Andrew and Philip must have been when their request for a “meet and greet” between Jesus and the Greeks visiting for Passover turned into a discussion of His death and glorification? But looking back on the moment with Spirit-enlightened minds, we understand Jesus’s urgency to tell anyone who will listen that He is the resurrection and the life. He is the Light of the World, illuminating the path to the Father and eternal life with Him. John subtly eludes that the people came for a show. They wanted Jesus to perform another miracle, maybe even a resurrection from the dead. They had traveled far for this show. But Jesus explains that He will be resurrected to bring much fruit and life, just as the seed planted and dying brings life. The Father says, “I have glorified Your name, and I will do it again.”

Jesus says these things, leaving the people asking more questions, and then hides Himself, offering no more explanation. For some, the answers don’t come until, looking back with the eyes of Holy Spirit, the actual understanding comes. Friends, take some time this morning to look back on this passage that has so many nuggets of truth and ask Holy Spirit for the understanding He has for you this morning. Or, like John, look back on an event or season in your life, seeing it with fresh eyes empowered by the Holy Spirit’s understanding so that you might see Jesus more clearly.